Kim McGrath

Director, News and Communications

Stories by Kimberly

Should adults get flu shots? Treating patients’ misperceptions is key

Deciding to get a flu shot may seem simple, but communicating about it is not, new research suggests. Unfortunately, there’s no clear prescription for how health care providers and public policy officials can effectively encourage patients to hit the flu clinic. Filling the communication gap are patients’ personal beliefs and biases about the vaccine’s effectiveness and impact on their own health.

Categories: Research & Discovery

Peggy Noonan offers insider’s look at presidents and leadership

Peggy Noonan, former presidential speech writer, columnist for The Wall Street Journal, and the best-selling author of eight books on American politics, history and culture spoke on Sept. 8 to a standing-room-only crowd in Wake Forest’s Brendle Recital Hall as part of the University’s Voices of Our Time series.