2012 Highlights: Diversity

Where diversity and inclusion are valued, a community is at its best. By celebrating various cultures, religions and ethnicities, we grow as global citizens. At Wake Forest, activities and events remind us to encourage one another to reach our full potential.

Paul returns home to give back

Chris Paul gives back to children at Toys R Us. Chris Paul (’07), a former Wake Forest basketball star who now plays for the L.A. Clippers, wasn’t dressed as Santa Claus, but for the children eagerly anticipating his arrival at Toys R Us in Winston-Salem last week, he was as welcome as the real thing.

American Indian voices

Part of the Lumbee Indian Tribe, Dr. James Jones was the first American Indian to graduate from Wake Forest and the first to attend the University’s medical school. He and two others, Lonnie Revels and Lucretia Hicks, were honored for their pivotal roles in bringing greater awareness and inclusion of American Indian students.

Teaching with tomatoes

Gloria Muday works with local students. The “Teaching with Tomatoes” program developed by biology professor Gloria Muday takes WFU students to local schools to teach genetics. They reinforce lessons learned in class about how genetics are responsible for the diversity in heirloom tomatoes. Muday estimates the program has reached more than 1,200 students this semester.
