Wake the Library

Students grab a late-night snack in the ZSR Library. Studying all night during exam week used to be tiresome until Wake the Library livened things up with a now-popular tradition that energizes and motivates students through the final stretch of the semester.

Lovefeast draws thousands

More than 2,000 students, faculty, staff, alumni and community members filled Wait Chapel, passing to each other the light from beeswax candles — a tradition that the earliest Moravians used at the Christmas lovefeast. Watch the audio slideshow of Lovefeast.

Chaplain joins the U.S. Army

Two years ago, Rabbi Michael Gisser exchanged his Canadian citizenship for U.S. citizenship – step one towards fulfilling his lifelong dream. On Veterans Day, Gisser – the associate chaplain for Jewish life at Wake Forest - takes step two. He’ll be installed as a chaplain in the U.S. Army Reserve.

Madison Smartt Bell reads at WFU

On Nov. 2, the English department brought Madison Smartt Bell, an award-winning novelist, to the Wake Forest campus. The well-known author met students and faculty to read excerpts from his novel, sign copies of his books and answer questions.

Categories: Happening at Wake
