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Conference addresses ‘pay for play’

Alphonso Smith, former Wake Forest and current NFL player When it comes to inequities concerning race and college sports, you can talk about changing rules or paying players, but in the end, the most important reform is providing players – even the at-risk ones – with a useful education, according to experts convened at Wake Forest’s “Losing to Win” conference.

Rogers still a survivor

Rodney Rogers Though now in a wheelchair, former Wake Forest and NBA basketball star Rodney Rogers still has his familiar broad smile and an ability to engage an audience, as he did during an appearance on campus during the ‘Losing to Win” conference.

The real inside couple of D.C.

President Nathan Hatch, Judy Woodruff and Al Hunt In a wide-ranging conversation, journalists Al Hunt ('65) and Judy Woodruff talked about politics and government, working and raising a family in Washington, D.C., the rise of social media and the decline of traditional journalism, and the increasingly partisan, bitter style of politics, during an appearance at Wake Forest.

Hot topics in college athletics

N. Jeremi Duru, law professor at Temple University In the race to have the best team, win the most games and make the most money, college sports programs have exploited student-athletes for university gains, according to some of the nation’s leading experts on race and intercollegiate sports. Those experts were gathered at Wake Forest as part of the "Losing to Win" conference.
