WFU names director of new Pro Humanitate Center June 15, 2002 Categories: Pro Humanitate, Research & Discovery, University Announcements
WFU students sell ‘Band-Aids for Benin’; raise money for professor’s African birthplace March 22, 2002 Categories: Awards & Recognition, Community Impact, Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake, Pro Humanitate
Human Rights Watch expert to speak at Wake Forest Feb. 5 as part of Year of Unity and Hope January 25, 2002 Categories: Happening at Wake, Pro Humanitate, University Announcements
Wake Forest to use $1.9 million Lilly Endowment Grant to establish Pro Humanitate Center December 3, 2001 Categories: Pro Humanitate, University Announcements
Student-initiated theme year to include monthly forums, interactive web site, film series, service opportunities September 28, 2001 Categories: Community Impact, Happening at Wake, Pro Humanitate
WFU students organize year-long event series in response to terrorist attack September 24, 2001 Categories: Community Impact, Happening at Wake, Pro Humanitate, University Announcements