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Hatch elected chair of NAICU

Dr. Nathan Hatch Today, members of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) elected Wake Forest President Nathan O. Hatch as chair of its board of directors. NAICU represents private, nonprofit colleges and universities on policy issues with the federal government.

Focus on: Mentoring

In a speech in 2010, Provost Emeritus Edwin G. Wilson (’43) recalled the friendliness between professors and students that defined the Wake Forest of his college days. “Beyond the Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes and the Tuesday and Thursday afternoon laboratories, where teaching and learning officially took place, there were frequent encounters between students and teachers here and there, on the campus or in town, which opened eyes and inspired confidence and led to new insights about one’s life and career.” That fabric of friendliness remains at Wake Forest, although it goes by a more formal name today — mentoring.

Wake Forest appoints new provost

Rogan Kersh Wake Forest has appointed Rogan Kersh as the University’s new provost and professor of political science.  A Wake Forest alumnus, Kersh currently serves as the associate dean of academic affairs and professor of public policy at New York University’s Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.
