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Faculty, students discuss Obama

Faculty and students discussed the historical significance of the inauguration of Barack Obama during a program in the Z. Smith Reynolds Library on Jan. 20. Library director Lynn Sutton opened the discussion on “The Dream Realized? What Barack Obama’s Election Means to America”. Speakers included seniors Fred Parent, Jermyn Davis and Matt Triplett; professors Rhon Manigault and James Bryant; and and Wanda K. Brown, associate director of the ZSR Library.

Vidovich, Porter top soccer coaches

Men’s soccer head coach Jay Vidovich has been named the NCAA Division I men’s national coach of the year for the second consecutive year, and assistant coach Carson Porter has been named the Glenn “Mooch” Myernick College assistant coach of the year.

The inaugural address: Obama’s challenge

John Llewellyn Barack Obama needs to incorporate the themes of the greatest speeches of the last half century in his inaugural address, according to communication professor John Llewellyn. He needs to convey Martin Luther King’s dream for national unity, John F. Kennedy’s dedication and selflessness, and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s courage and confidence.
