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Business ranks No. 1 again

Worrell Professional Center Bloomberg Businessweek ranked the undergraduate business program No. 1 in the nation for academic quality and among the top 20 programs overall for the fourth consecutive year. Wake Forest ranked No. 8 for the percent of students with internships (92 percent).

MBA programs ranked highly

Worrell Professional Center Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs offered by the Schools of Business are among the nation’s top 10 percent in the U.S. News & World Report rankings. Within three months of graduation, 91 percent of the MBA class of 2011 had accepted jobs, with an average annual salary and starting bonus of $91,504.

WFU is third at Marketing Summit

Wake Forest team A team of undergraduate students from Wake Forest finished third in an international case competition at the 22nd Annual Marketing Summit presented by the Wake Forest University Schools of Business Center for Retail Innovation. A team from the University of Pennsylvania finished first, and a University of Chicago Booth School of Business team won the MBA division.
