Stories this week at Wake Forest

Celebrating St. Patrick’s A Day Late

Wake Forest University Press, the major publisher of Irish poetry in North America, will host a “coming of age” party on Tuesday, March 18. The press is celebrating 21 years of publishing poetry. The free evening of Irish poetry and music will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the second floor reading room of Carswell Hall. Peter Fallon, an Irish poet, will read his poetry.

Symposium to Address Future of the Arts

For those interested in the future of the arts, Wake Forest will host “The Arts in the New Century” symposium March 20-22. Poet Rita Dove, Time magazine music critic Michael Walsh, composer Joan Tower and the North Carolina Museum of Art’s executive director Lawrence Wheeler will be among the event’s 18 speakers. The symposium will open with a talk by art critic and collector Lucy Lippard on Thursday, March 20, at 7 p.m. in Scales Fine Arts Center, Room 102. The symposium will continue on Friday, March 21, and Saturday, March 22, with four panel discussions addressing important issues in the arts. Sessions are scheduled at 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. each day in the Scales Center’s Brendle Recital Hall.

Rita Dove to Read Her Poetry

As part of “The Arts in the New Century” symposium, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Rita Dove will read from her poetry at 4:15 p.m. Friday, March 21, in Brendle Recital Hall. Those registered for the symposium will have reserved seats to hear the former poet laureate of the United States, but remaining seats will be free to the public on a first-come, first-served basis.

Big-Screen Basketball to Air on Campus

The first-round NCAA basketball game between Wake Forest and St. Mary’s will be shown in the Benson University Center’s Pugh Auditorium on Friday, March 14, at 7:55 p.m. If Wake Forest wins, the Sunday, March 16, game will also be broadcast in Benson Center.

Spring Break Means Service for Some Students

While many college students spend Spring Break at the beach, more than 60 Wake Forest students are helping with community service projects across the country. As part of Wake Alternative Break, teams of 10-12 students are teaching children on a Sioux reservation and in inner-city Boston, providing meals for low income AIDS patients in Washington, D.C., and working in other locations. They will return Sunday, March 16.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Campus Life, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker