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WFU, Local High Schools Host National Debate Tourney

Wake Forest University, along with North Forsyth and Mount Tabor high schools, will host the National Earlybird Forensics Tournament from Friday, Sept. 12-Sunday, Sept. 14.

The Wake Forest debate program, which won the national intercollegiate debating championship in 1997, annually sponsors workshops and tournaments for high school students.

The earlybird tournament, which is open to the public, is considered one of the country’s top competitions for high school debate. The event will draw over 160 high school debate squads from across the country. During the weekend, over 2,000 individual speeches will be delivered and nearly 800 debate rounds will be completed.

In addition to team categories, the tournament will feature seven individual debate events, such as impromptu, extemporaneous, and dramatic interpretation. Events will also include congressional committees where participates write and debate legislation.

The location and schedule of events is as follows:

Friday, Sept. 12

Saturday, Sept. 13

Sunday, Sept. 14

Categories: Community Impact, Happening at Wake


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