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Stories this week at Wake Forest

Drumming Workshop Brings African Beat to Campus

Community members will explore the rhythms of West African drum music at Wake Forest University during a workshop taught by members of the world-renowned percussion quintet NEXUS on Saturday, Feb. 28. The hands-on workshop, “West African Drumming,” begins at 11 a.m. in Wait Chapel. About 40 community participants, including students from Wake Forest, North Carolina School of the Arts and Salem College will learn from the percussion masters.

Carribean Culture: Museum Looks at Garifuna

“Keeping Culture: A Rite of Passage Among the Garifuna of Roatan Island” will open at the Wake Forest University Museum of Anthropology Tuesday, March 3. At 7 p.m., the curator of the exhibit, anthropology graduate student Rebecca Benedum Mankowski, will lecture about the Garifuna’s nine-day rite of passage into death. The exhibit explores how performing the rite of passage helps the Garifuna hold onto key elements of their culture, said Mankowski, who researched and designed the exhibit as part of her master’s thesis. “These practices help to maintain and reaffirm Garifuna identity.” The Garifuna, a group of people of Native South American and African descent, live in the Central American countries of Honduras, Guatemala, Belize and Nicaragua.

Spring Break Means Service for Students

While many college students soak up sun on Florida’s beaches, more than 60 Wake Forest students will focus on community service at locations around the country. Wake Forest students represent the growing national trend among college students to volunteer during Spring Break. As part of Wake Alternative Break, teams of 10-12 students will teach children on a South Dakota Sioux reservation, work at a day-care center in inner-city Boston, help low-income AIDS patients in Washington, D.C., and serve at three other locations. Students depart Saturday, March 7 and return Sunday, March 15.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Campus Life, Experiential Learning, Happening at Wake


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Cheryl Walker