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Stories this week at Wake Forest

Move Over Riverdance

Students will learn to dance an Irish reel, “The Walls of Limerick,” and other traditional Irish dances at a demonstration and lesson at 11 a.m. today in Benson University Center’s third floor rotunda. Sophomore Kerry O’Hagan, who competes in Irish dance competitions, will lead the workshop. Also today, at 3 p.m. in Reynolda Hall’s main lounge, Wake Forest professors and students will take part in a “recitation competition,” reciting their favorite Irish poems before a panel of judges. Both events are part of a weeklong Irish Festival sponsored by Wake Forest University Press, the major publisher of Irish poetry in North America.

Minerva’s Machine: Women and Computing

Karen Frenkel, author, reporter and filmmaker, will show the award-winning documentary, “Minerva’s Machine” at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, in DeTamble Auditorium. “Minerva’s Machine” investigates why there are fewer women in computing than men and explores gender differences in response to technology. Frenkel, who will lead a discussion following the film, co-authored “Robots: Machines in Man’s Image” with Isaac Asimov and has written more than 50 articles for magazines such as Business Week, Discover and Forbes on science and technology topics.

Students Rehearse for Passion Play

On Palm Sunday, more than 80 members of the Wake Forest community will perform the Passion Play the way it would have been done in the Middle Ages-outdoors without a stage. The cast will be rehearsing for the next two weeks preparing for April 5, 6 and 7 performances. For the “promenade” production of the Passion Play, episodes in Christ’s life will be set at different campus locations. For a rehearsal schedule or to arrange interviews, call Cheryl Walker in the News Bureau.

Do Looks Make a Difference on the Job?

Employment expert and economist Daniel Hamermesh will present “The Economics of Beauty,” a look at how physical appearance can influence wages and other economic outcomes, on Monday, March 30. The free, public lecture sponsored by the Wake Forest economics department is from 4 to 5 p.m. in the Annenburg Forum, first floor of Carswell Hall. Hamermesh, an economics professor at the University of Texas at Austin, has received national media attention for his research projects.

Categories: Arts & Culture, Campus Life, Happening at Wake


Media Contact

Cheryl Walker