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Media arrangements for Wake Forest’s commencement ceremony

The media are invited to attend Wake Forest University’s commencement ceremony on May 15. The outdoor campus ceremony, which features an address by John Chambers, president and CEO of Cisco Systems, will begin at 9 a.m. on University Plaza.

Chambers and Cisco are the subject of the current cover stories in Fortune and Worth magazines. Cisco, a worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, has helped shape the Internet economy and conducts much of its own business online.

Parking passes are required to enter campus and attend commencement. Reporters who have not received a pass in the mail should contact the News Service or present their official media credentials when entering campus.

Reporters are encouraged to arrive early to secure a parking space. Some media parking will be available in Lot A, located next to Wait Chapel and behind Efird Residence Hall. News trucks and vans are not allowed on University Plaza, but may park in Lot B, which is adjacent to the plaza between Taylor and Davis residence halls.

A section to the right of the stage will be reserved for media. A News Service staff member will have background information available for reporters on Chambers and the honorary degree recipients.

For commencement details on-line, visit the News Service Web site at Web site coverage of commencement will include Chamber’s full text, sound clips and downloadable, print-quality photographs.

Call the News Service at 336-758-5237 for more information.

Please note: News Service staff will be available on Sunday, May 14, to answer questions or assist with stories. To contact a staff member, call 758-5237.

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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Wake Forest News