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WFU freshmen to arrive August 22

Wake Forest University’s freshmen will arrive on campus Wednesday, Aug. 22, as the university prepares for the opening of the fall semester.

A total of 990 freshmen are expected at Wake Forest. They will move into their residence halls throughout the day beginning at 8 a.m.

Sophomores, juniors and seniors will move into their rooms on Aug. 25 and 26.

Classes for all undergraduates begin Wednesday, Aug. 29. A final count of the entire undergraduate student body is not yet available.

The new students, 491 men and 499 women, represent 46 states and eight foreign countries. Ninety-seven percent will live on campus. Twenty-nine percent of the entering students were ranked in the top 5 percent of their high school classes. Twelve percent are minorities, including 8 percent who are African-American.

Classes also begin Aug. 29 for students enrolled in Wake Forest’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. About 145 entering students will bring enrollment to 427.

Orientation for 109 new full-time MBA students begins Aug. 20. The Babcock Graduate School of Management operates three additional programs. Sixty-one new students are enrolled in the fast-track executive program, 61 in the evening program and 47 in the Charlotte program. Total enrollment for the MBA school is 680.

Orientation began Aug. 13 for 161 first-year law students. Law school classes begin Aug. 20. Total law school enrollment is about 490.

Orientation for 25 first-year Divinity School students begins Aug. 22. Classes begin Aug. 29. Total enrollment for the school is 71.

One hundred and thirteen new first-year students are enrolled at the medical school for a total of 441 students.

Categories: Campus Life, University Announcements


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Cheryl Walker