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Media arrangements for WFU commencement with Colin L. Powell

Members of the media are invited to attend Wake Forest University’s commencement ceremony May 17, featuring U.S. Secretary of State Colin L. Powell as speaker. The outdoor ceremony will begin at 9 a.m. on University Plaza (the Quad).

Because of federal requirements from the state department, there will be increased security for this year’s commencement ceremony, including particular measures for media.

The event is not open to the public, and commencement parking passes are required to enter campus. The News Service will mail parking passes to members of the media prior to commencement day. To ensure access to campus for your staff, contact the News Service no later than May 11.

Reserved media-only parking will be in Parking Lot B, located between Taylor and Davis residence halls on the Reynolda Road side of campus. The News Service-issued parking pass and a media credential from your organization will be required for entry into this parking lot. Members of the media are asked to carry and display their media organization’s credentials at all times during the ceremony.

Metal detectors will be used at all entries to the Quad. In addition, members of the media with television cameras or still photography cameras will be screened individually by security officials. Media with television cameras or still photography cameras must arrive on campus at one of two scheduled screening times in order to have access to the Quad. State department security officials may deny access to media who do not arrive at these times.

Early morning television crews may arrive for security screening at 5:15 a.m. All other television crews and photographers must arrive for security screening at 7:30 a.m. Security screening for all media will be in Parking Lot B.

Members of the media without equipment are encouraged to arrive early to prevent delays entering the Quad. Reserved media seating will be in the front of the audience, and direct audio feeds will be provided.

In case of rain, the commencement ceremony will be moved to Lawrence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum and begin at 9:30 a.m. Media will be notified by early morning May 17 if the rain plan is put into effect. The same security measures and screening times will be in effect. More information regarding media arrangements for the coliseum will be distributed as needed.

Contact Sarah Mansell in the News Service with questions regarding media arrangements at 336-758-5237 or

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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