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WFU sees record number, more diversity in 2005 applicants

Students entering Wake Forest University as freshmen in fall 2005 were selected from among the largest number of students ever to apply to Wake Forest. Applications increased 20 percent from last year to a record high 7,481, nearly 1,200 more than were received in 2004 and 950 more than the previous record-year in 1997.

The freshmen class will include 1,120 students.

“We are especially pleased with our increases in multicultural students and North Carolinians,” said Director of Admissions Martha Allman.

Seventeen percent of the enrolled students are minorities, the largest number ever, Allman said. That is up 3 percent from last year.

“Our goal is to continue to increase diversity in the student body,” Allman said.

Twenty-six percent of the incoming class is from North Carolina. The class includes an equal percentage of women and men.

Allman attributes the increase in applications partly to strategy, including an expansion of on-campus programming for prospective students as well as recruitment in new locales throughout the country; partly to demographic factors such as population growth among high school age students; and to Wake Forest’s growing national reputation and even the publicity garnered by last year’s men’s basketball team.

Categories: Enrollment & Financial Aid, Experiential Learning, University Announcements


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Cheryl Walker