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Turkeypalooza 2010

The turkeys are roasting, and the smell of pumpkin spice fills the kitchen. These comforts of Thanksgiving are missing for many in the Winston-Salem community.

But Wake Forest students have taken the holiday to those most in need. Volunteers cooked traditional Thanksgiving day meals on campus and delivered them to local agencies as part of Turkeypalooza.

During Turkeypalooza, a special Campus Kitchen initiative during Hunger and Homelessness week, cooking and serving is an all-out celebration.

Campus Kitchen is a food recycling program that uses cooked but never-served food from the campus dining halls to make healthy and nutritious meals for the needy in the local community. The program is one of Wake Forest’s premier sustainability initiatives; rescuing food that would otherwise be wasted and using it to fight hunger and poverty in the greater Winston-Salem area.

Categories: Community Impact, Environment & Sustainability, Experiential Learning, Pro Humanitate, University Announcements


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