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Wake the Library

Studying all night during exam week used to be tiresome until Wake the Library livened things up with a now-popular tradition that energizes and motivates students through the final stretch of the semester.

Wake the Library started in 2006 when the Z. Smith Reynolds Library extended hours in an effort to meet higher demand and alleviate anxiety during exam week. Today, the initiative boasts all-night hours, festive decorations, snacks served every night at midnight, and creative outlets such as a graffiti wall. To promote sustainability this year, the library is running a BYOM (bring your own mug) campaign for its around-the-clock coffee service.

Additional Study Space

Looking for a quiet place to study for exams?

  • In response to student appeals for additional study spaces, the library has set up temporary tables on the fourth floor and in the atrium.
  • The Pit will be open for 24 hours a day until Dec. 16 at 9 p.m. with student I.D. access.
  • The Office of Personal and Career Development has space available Dec. 12-15 from 5-10 p.m. Check space on Twitter @WFU_OPCD.
  • Additional classroom space is available in many of the academic buildings.

“The resources that the library offers us during finals week are really helpful during this stressful time. It’s nice to know that we can count on the librarians to be supportive,” says junior Sara González.

Travis Manning, a library staff member and Wake the Library committee member who volunteers additional time to make students’ last week on campus as comfortable as possible, says, “It’s important to support our students and provide them with the essentials they need in order to succeed.”

Senior Amerika Colombo has enjoyed the perks of Wake the Library since her freshman year: “I really like Wake the Library because it’s the perfect break from studying where we can socialize for a little bit and enjoy some free food.”

In addition, Wake the Library will keep students engaged through an active social media presence through the Z. Smith Reynolds Library Facebook page and Twitter feed (@zsrlibrary) using the hashtag #wtl2k11. The library staff also welcomes student feedback about Wake the Library in an online Suggestion Box.

The library’s non-stop hours began December 4 and will run until December 17 at 5 p.m.

Categories: Happening at Wake, University Announcements


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