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Media Advisory: WFU hosts second annual N.C. Campuses Against Hunger Conference

Approximately 170,200 different people in N.C. receive emergency food assistance in any given week, according to the N.C. Food Bank website. This is equivalent to the entire current undergraduate enrollment of all 16 colleges and universities that make up the overall University of North Carolina system.

The second annual N.C. Campuses Against Hunger Conference will bring together students, faculty, staff and community partners from across the state to broaden the mission, raise awareness and create a cohesive effort to end hunger.

When: Sept. 6-7, 2013. To register for the conference or for a complete listing of events, please visit

Where: Benson University Center at Wake Forest University. Registration begins at 3:30 p.m.

What: In addition to personal testimonies and breakout sessions to discuss plans to combat regional hungerparticipants will have the opportunity to take part in one of two service projects:

Keynote speakers: Fred Bahnson, author of  “Soil and Sacrament: A Spiritual Memoir on Food and Faith” (Simon and Schuster) and director of the Food, Faith and Religious Leadership Initiative at Wake Forest Divinity School. Rogan Kersh, provost of Wake Forest University, is an expert on obesity and public policy, and will present on “The Hunger-Obesity Paradox.” Dr. David C. Ribar, professor of economics at UNC Greensboro will present on “Public Policy Responses to Childhood Hunger.”

Sponsors: Institute for Public EngagementWake Forest University Campus LifeNC Campus CompactNC State University Center for Student Leadership, Ethics and Public Service (NCSU CSLEPS)Stop Hunger Now and Universities Fighting World Hunger.

About Wake Forest University
Wake Forest University combines the best traditions of a small liberal arts college with the resources of a large research university. Founded in 1834, the school is located in Winston-Salem, N.C. The University’s graduate school of arts and sciences, divinity school, and nationally ranked schools of law, medicine and business enrich our intellectual environment. Learn more about Wake Forest University at

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