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Media Advisory: WFU fights cancer with 12-hr dance marathon

1,300 students will participate in Wake Forest University’s tenth annual Wake N’ Shake, a 12-hour dance marathon to raise money for the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund, on Saturday, March 21 from noon to midnight in Reynolds Gym.

Participants hope to raise $200,000 to fight cancer this year.

Activities at the marathon include competitions, games and student performances. Ten cancer patients and doctors, referred to as “Team Champions,” will share their stories.

The event is open to faculty, staff and alumni in addition to students.

“Wake ‘N Shake is special to Wake Forest because students from all over campus come together to stand for a cause that has touched every member of the community,” said senior and event co-chair Anna Morten.

Students started the Brian Piccolo Cancer Research Fund in 1980 in memory of the Wake Forest All-American football player, who passed away at age 26 from cancer during his career with the Chicago Bears. In the 35 years since it began, the fund has raised more than $1 million for cancer research.

About Wake Forest University:
Wake Forest University combines the best traditions of a small liberal arts college with the resources of a large research university. Founded in 1834, the school is located in Winston-Salem, N.C. The University’s graduate school of arts and sciences, divinity school, and nationally ranked schools of law, medicine and business enrich our intellectual environment. Learn more about Wake Forest University at

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