‘Project Pumpkin’ to be held on Oct. 26
Who: Wake Forest students will host more than 700 Winston-Salem area children from local agencies for Halloween fun. This year’s festival theme will be “Zootopia,” based on the popular movie. Students are recreating some of the different “lands” that will feature characters from the film as well as animal-related activities.
What: More than 550 Wake Forest volunteers will welcome children from 20 local agencies for an afternoon of carnival games and trick-or-treating. There will be 10 performances from various a cappella groups, dance teams, the cheer team and the Spirit of the Old Gold and Black marching band. Wake Forest students dressed in Halloween costumes will escort the children to collect candy, make crafts and watch musical performances by student groups.
When: Wednesday, Oct. 26 from 3-6 p.m.
Where: Wake Forest University’s Hearn Plaza.
Why: In 1989, Wake Forest students started a Halloween festival on campus for local children. Project Pumpkin has become a Wake Forest tradition that participating schools and agencies in Winston-Salem look forward to each year.
Media representatives must check in at the information table outside of Wait Chapel. Wake Forest news team members will provide photography and videography guidelines for media on-site.
Categories: Happening at Wake
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