WFU welcomes feedback on proposed Code of Conduct changes

Wake Forest University is seeking feedback from students, faculty and staff regarding changes to the undergraduate Code of Conduct.
More than just a list of rules, the Code of Conduct describes the values of the institution and the kind of students Wake Foresters aspire to be. At its core, the Code of Conduct outlines minimum expectations for students inside and outside the classroom, the procedures the University follows when a student may be in violation, and the range of possible outcomes if a student is responsible for a violation.
Now the campus community has an opportunity to contribute to and shape the Code of Conduct following suggested revisions to the Code from a broad-based committee of faculty, staff, and students in the spring of 2017.
In an email to students last week, Matt Clifford, Associate Dean of Students, Student Conduct, invited the campus community to participate in a period of public review, which runs until Dec. 1.
“We are operating with intentional openness and transparency as we seek thoughtful feedback from our students, faculty and staff.” Matt Clifford, Associate Dean of Students, Student Conduct
“We invite every Wake Forester to take a seat at the table and share their ideas, concerns and feedback about critical component of the student experience,” Clifford said.
Clifford said the Code of Conduct has been modified intermittently as the student body has evolved. However, years of gradual changes have created some inconsistencies and a lack of clarity.
“Revising the Code of Conduct provides an opportunity to incorporate emerging best practices within student affairs nationally as well as the feedback of our campus community,” Clifford said.
“Our goals with the current revision are to increase clarity, institute best practices, and support both student safety and the University mission.” Matt Clifford, Associate Dean of Students, Student Conduct
Students, faculty and staff have several ways to make their voices heard:
- Clifford encourages feedback on the Code of Conduct website, where alternative language can and should be proposed.
- The University will hold a series of listening sessions (open forums) about different sections within the proposed Conduct Code revision, during which the revision process is outlined, and specific changes are identified and explained.
- Campus Life leaders are engaging directly with many groups on campus to listen to concerns and discuss the complexity of the issues within each expectation.
In the spring of 2018, the committee will review comments that have been submitted. Feedback and suggestions that contribute positively to the clarity, consistency, and emphasis on safety will be considered for inclusion. After a final document has been created for approval, the University plans to hold additional opportunities for students to learn about how feedback was incorporated.
This week, Dean of Students Adam Goldstein reiterated the invitational nature of the process in an email to Campus Life partners, a group of staff who work closely with the student community in a variety of roles.
“The main message I hope you will take away and share with others is this: We really do want student, faculty and staff feedback. We hope everyone will feel comfortable sharing it with us as part of our planned public review process,” Goldstein said.
Categories: Campus Life, Experiential Learning, Research & Discovery, University Announcements
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