WFU awards and recognitions briefs

The WFU Awards and Recognitions briefs celebrate milestones of faculty, staff and students at Wake Forest.
Wake Forest University Founders’ Day program honored faculty and students
The Wake Forest community commemorated 184 years since the University’s founding at Founders Day Convocation in Wait Chapel Feb. 15. The celebration honored faculty for teaching, research and service. The University’s highest honor, the Medallion of Merit, is presented to individuals who have rendered distinguished served to the University, including past presidents, trustees, benefactors, alumni and retired faculty and administrators. This year, the honor was awarded to Michael “Mike” Ford (’72) for his outstanding contributions to Wake Forest. He retired from Wake Forest in 2017 after 36 years as a student life administrator and campus leader.
Faculty awards included:
- The Excellence in Advising Award: German and Russian professor Alyssa Howards and anthropology professor Eric C. Jones.
- The URECA Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentorship in Research and Creative Work: Physics professor Oana D. Jurchescu and English professor Jefferson Holdridge.
- The Award for Excellence in Research: Psychology professor Eranda Jayawickreme.
- The Donald O. Schoonmaker Faculty Award for Community Service: History professor Simone M. Caron.
- The Jon Reinhardt Award for Distinguished Teaching: English and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies professor emeritus Mary DeShazer.
- The Joseph Branch Excellence in Teaching Award: Law professor Richard C. Schneider.
- The Kulynych Family Omicron Delta Kappa Award: Spanish and Italian professor Silvia Tiboni-Craft.
- The Reid-Doyle Prize for Excellence in Teaching: Psychology professor E.J. Masicampo.
WFU’s Corbett to receive leadership award from library association
Lauren Corbett has been selected to receive the 2018 HARRASSOWITZ Leadership in Library Acquisitions Award by the Acquisitions Section of the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). Corbett is the director of resource services at Z. Smith Reynolds Library. The award will be presented June 23 at the ALCTS Awards Ceremony during the 2018 American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference and Exhibition in New Orleans. The award recognizes outstanding leadership and other contributions in the field of acquisitions.
CASE awards presented to Wake Forest University Advancement
Wake Forest’s Office of University Advancement was presented 10 awards in February at the District III annual conference of CASE (Council for Advancement and Support of Education) in Atlanta. The awards were won by three offices within University Advancement: Communications and External Relations, Wake Forest Magazine and Alumni Engagement. Awards received by Communications and External Relations included a Grand Award, two Awards of Excellence and two Special Merit Awards. Wake Forest Magazine received a Grand Award, an Award of Excellence and a Special Merit Award. Alumni Engagement received an Award of Excellence and a Special Merit Award.
Categories: Awards & Recognition, Research & Discovery, University Announcements
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