WFU awards and recognitions briefs

The WFU Awards and Recognitions briefs celebrate milestones of faculty, staff and students at Wake Forest.
Wake Forest to compete in supercomputing conference
Wake Forest University’s computer science department has been accepted to the Student Cluster Competition at the SC18 Supercomputing Conference Nov. 11-16 in Dallas. Wake Forest will compete against teams from around the world. Teams are composed of six students, at least one advisor and vendor partners. With sponsorship from hardware and software vendor partners, students design and build small clusters, learn designated scientific applications, apply optimization techniques for their chosen architectures and compete in a non-stop, 48-hour challenge at the conference to complete a real-world scientific workload.
Macroeconomics conference to be held at WFU in August
The 14th Annual Conference of Macroeconomists from Liberal Arts Colleges will be held at Wake Forest on Aug. 7 and 8. At the conference, macroeconomists from liberal arts schools nationwide will gather to present their research to one another in an effort to promote high-quality research and collaboration. Sandeep Mazumder, associate professor of economics and chair of the Department of Economics, is the conference’s lead organizer. The conference is also aimed at helping junior faculty members and faculty members from underrepresented groups.
* Featured image of SC18 Student Cluster Competition team
Categories: Awards & Recognition
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