A Pint of Science: Sharing community conversations about science

From tattoos to fossils to weather forecasting, Wake Forest University and Wake Downtown are partnering with community organizations and businesses to demystify science with talks at Winston-Salem breweries by local researchers. The talks are part of the international Pint of Science festival.
Pint of Science, an annual event that takes place every May, brings researchers to local pubs and breweries to show the latest happenings in the world of science. The festival began in London in 2013 and has since spread to nearly 300 cities in dozens of countries around the world, providing an informal platform for dialogue between the STEM community and curious members of the public, with no prior subject knowledge required. This is the first year that Pint of Science will take place in Winston-Salem.
Local Pint of Science events following three themes will take place at 6:30 p.m. in three Winston-Salem breweries May 20-22.
The event marks the launch of a new initiative called The Science of Winston Salem (TSO WS), using the arts, popular culture and Winston-Salem’s unique history to enhance the scientific literacy of the community. Partners in the consortium include Wake Forest Innovation Quarter, Kaleideum, Wake Forest School of Medicine (CTSI Program in Community Engagement), The Olio, New Winston Museum and two high school science teachers – Matt Brady and Shari Brady – who founded an organization called “The Science of“.
Here’s the schedule:
Monday, May 20
“Mind and Body” (Location: Wise Man Brewing)
- The Science of Tattooing
- Meet “Alesi”
- Concussion – Updates in Research and Management
Tuesday, May 21
“Planet Earth” (Location: Foothills Brewing)
- Waterways in Winston-Salem
- The Pursuit of Hoppiness
- Weather Forecasting in a Digital Age
Wednesday, May 22
“Tech Me Out” (Location: Incendiary Brewing)
- Right to Repair with Geek in Heels
- Deliberately Disorienting Design: Using the Scientifically Sound Principles of Experimental Psychology to Create a confusing Musical Instrument
- Googling Dynamic Functional Brain Networks
To purchase tickets in advance and to see the list of presenters and venues, visit http://pintofscience.us/events/winston-salem.
Categories: Community Impact, Happening at Wake
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