WFU’s TurkeyPalooza helps local organizations combat hunger
Campus Kitchen will prepare hundreds of Thanksgiving meals

Wake Forest University students will cook nearly 700 meals this week for those in need in Forsyth County.
TurkeyPalooza will take place Sunday, Nov. 17 – Saturday, Nov. 23. The annual tradition brings the campus together to prepare a Thanksgiving feast from scratch and deliver the meals to local nonprofits that serve individuals and families. Nearly 300 pounds of turkey will be prepared.
“We are partnering with eleven organizations in the Winston-Salem area to help meet the needs that they are seeing this holiday season,” said Anna Donze, assistant director of community engagement at Wake Forest. ”The number of meals that we are preparing this year is even higher than what we have cooked in previous years, so we know this program is having a direct impact.”
This year’s community partners include Ronald McDonald House, Samaritan Ministries, the Shalom Project, Hope to Thrive and Anthony’s Plot.
Wake Forest students plan and lead the program, which is part of the University’s Campus Kitchen, an initiative that helps fight food insecurity in the Winston-Salem area.

From turkey and stuffing to sweet potato casserole to pumpkin cookies, each homemade Thanksgiving meal is made with lots of love and care. Students created a crowdfund to buy the ingredients. They are purchased from local businesses, and this year, garlic grown in the Campus Garden has been harvested and is ready to be put to good use.
“We have more than 200 student volunteers who will be cooking and delivering the meals to our community partners,” said senior Rachel Vondohlen. “Wake Forest staff and faculty will also be decorating the to-go boxes. It’s exciting to see the campus come together for such an important event. I’m from Winston-Salem and just knowing that we are helping people in our community have a nicer holiday, giving back and supporting the community by making these fresh healthy meals, it’s something that all of us take very seriously.”

This is the 18th year for WFU’s TurkeyPalooza. Mari Dragan, a senior who has been involved with the program since she was a sophomore, said what keeps the tradition going each year are the students who volunteer countless hours to make it all happen.
“As seniors, we have been involved with TurkeyPalooza on so many levels, from dishwashers and budget planners to scheduling shifts and training other students,” Dragan added. “We have learned so much through these experiences, but the best part is hearing from our community partners and how much these meals mean to their clients. Campus Kitchen works throughout the year to help combat hunger in our community and this event touches so many people. I’m looking forward to putting on my big turkey hat.”
TurkeyPalooza coincides with National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. Wake Forest University will host several events on campus. Those include students making fleece blankets to distribute when the weather turns colder and packing menstrual products to donate to community partner organizations.
To recognize Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week and the efforts by Wake Forest University’s Campus Kitchen that include TurkeyPalooza, the mayor’s office in Winston-Salem will issue a proclamation to honor their contributions in the community.

Media Note: Video and interview opportunities for Turkeypalooza are available on Tuesday, Nov. 19 – Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 4 p.m.- 8 p.m. at the Harvest Table Catering Kitchen on 3730 University Parkway. Contact Keri Brown or C: 336-971-5402.
Categories: Campus Life, Community Impact, Pro Humanitate
Media Contact
Keri Brown