
Mason awarded honorary degree

May 28, 1996  |   Commencement, Media Advisory

Wake Forest University awarded James Walter Mason an honorary doctor of laws degree during the university’s commencement ceremony on May 20.

Leonard named dean of new Divinity School

May 21, 1996  |   Media Advisory, School of Divinity, University Announcement

Wake Forest University announced today that its new divinity school will be led by Bill J. Leonard, professor of religion and chair of the religion and philosophy department at Samford University.

Nunn to graduates: rebuild nation’s moral fabric

May 20, 1996  |   Commencement, Media Advisory

U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn delivered a message of civic and family responsibility today to the 1996 graduating class from Wake Forest University.

Musical premiere based on Angelou poem

May 10, 1996  |   Arts & Culture, Events, Media Advisory

Wake Forest University’s composer-in-residence Dan Locklair has created the first musical composition based on the poem Maya Angelou wrote for Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential inauguration. “Since Dawn (A Tone Poem for Narrator, Chorus and Orchestra based on Maya Angelou’s `On the Pulse of Morning’)” will be premiered by the Winston-Salem Piedmont Triad Symphony Sept. 28 at Wake Forest University.

Stroupe wins national chemistry awards

May 10, 1996  |   Media Advisory, Recognition, Student

Beth Stroupe, the daughter of Jane and Steve Stroupe of Libertyville, Ill., has won two national chemistry awards. Stroupe is a rising senior and a chemistry major at Wake Forest University.

MBA team finishes second in national competition

May 9, 1996  |   Media Advisory, Recognition, School of Business

A team of MBA students from Wake Forest University’s Babcock Graduate School of Management claimed second place and the $1,000 prize in the 1996 KPMG Peat Marwick/George Washington University MBA Case Competition.

Students win international math contest

May 6, 1996  |   Media Advisory, Recognition, Student

A team of three Wake Forest University students submitted a winning solution to the 12th Annual Mathematical Contest in Modeling.

Debate squad finishes season with top ranking

May 1, 1996  |   Media Advisory, Recognition

Wake Forest University’s varsity debate squad finished the 1995-96 season ranked No. 1 in the nation, according to the latest rankings of college debaters.

MBA students to appear on “Good Morning America”

April 23, 1996  |   Media Advisory, National, Recognition, Student

When MBA students from Wake Forest University, along with Special Olympics participants, greet the nation on ABC-TV’s “Good Morning, America” in May, they will represent the 200 full-time graduate management students at the Babcock School who have contributed several hundred hours of service to the community this year.

Bryan gift benefits men’s, women’s golf programs

April 22, 1996  |   Athletics, Media Advisory

Joseph M. Bryan, a North Carolina businessman whose enthusiasm for philanthropy was matched by his love for golf, left a $500,000 bequest to Wake Forest University that will help support the university’s men’s and women’s golf teams, it was announced today.

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