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2012 Highlights: Humanities

Humanistic inquiry is at the heart of Wake Forest's liberal arts tradition. Together, faculty and students bring to life scholarly and undergraduate research, campus and community programming, and interdisciplinary activities that connect the humanities with science, social science and artistic fields. Here are some of last year's highlights.

2012 Highlights: Diversity

Where diversity and inclusion are valued, a community is at its best. By celebrating various cultures, religions and ethnicities, we grow as global citizens. At Wake Forest, activities and events remind us to encourage one another to reach our full potential.

2012 Highlights: Science & Research

Wake Forest University physics professor David Carroll works with graduate student Greg Smith on new FIPEL lighting technology. When technology developed at Wake Forest tops The New York Times Magazine's "32 Innovations That Will Change Your Tomorrow," you know the University takes scientific research seriously. Advances in regenerative medicine, drug discovery and treatment methods, and everyday lighting solutions provide just a snapshot of what's happening at Wake Forest.
