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100-year-old alumnus honored

William Louis Perry The Medical Alumni Association (MAA) of the School of Medicine honored William Louis Perry, M.D., Class of 1936, for his lifetime of service and leadership in medicine in his community. Perry, a resident of Chesterfield, S.C., celebrated his 100th birthday on Jan. 4.

Resolution solution

Psychology professor E.J. Masicampo When making New Year’s resolutions this year, committing to a specific plan for when and where you are going to accomplish each goal will make you more likely to succeed, says assistant professor of psychology E.J. Masicampo.

Happy to wait

Eric Carlson Though not yet definitive, identifying the Higgs boson particle would be on par with proving The Big Bang Theory, says Eric Carlson, a physics professor. While researchers in other fields might trumpet a breakthrough of this magnitude, the global physics community seems to have reacted with a combination of cautious optimism and muted excitement.
