Who wins and who loses in the transition from ‘dirty’ to ‘clean’ jobs?
New research by Wake Forest economics professor Mark Curtis looks at the implications for U.S. workers in the transition to a low-carbon economy.
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When facing difficult life experiences, study shows coping strategies matter
A new psychology study shows the well-being benefits for older adults who approach challenging experiences positively.
Can bone-strengthening exercises and/or drugs reduce fracture risk when older adults lose weight?
A new $7M study will help determine whether a combination of resistance training plus bone-strengthening exercises and/or medication can help older adults safely lose weight without sacrificing bone mass.
Flash drought: Researchers calculate global risk
Flash droughts are extreme drought events where conditions deteriorate rapidly, such as when temperatures spike during a period of scarce rainfall, desiccating the soil. They can materialize in as little as five days and last for weeks or even a few months. “Flash droughts are […]
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One year after Dobbs: State constitutions at the center of battles over abortion rights
After the U.S. Supreme Court issued a June 24, 2022 ruling in the Dobbs case holding that the U.S. Constitution does not protect abortion rights, the debate about protecting or limiting access to abortion has focused to a significant extent on state constitutions. John Dinan, professor of politics and international affairs at Wake Forest University,…
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New study takes a high-level look at Nazca boobies’ breeding
A new study, published in Ecology and Evolution, may help answer the question of why Nazca boobies’ breeding drops by looking at their ability to forage, or search for and capture food.
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Limiting greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel power plants — A new EPA initiative
The Biden Administration is expected to propose a new set of regulatory limits on carbon emissions from fossil-fueled electric power plants. What’s behind the new rules and the impact they may have?
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Oscar nods: Rising tide of ‘Black Panther’ isn’t lifting all Black film
Media professor Phillip Lamarr Cunningham talks about Black representation, under-representation and the absence of representation in modern film – both nationally and internationally.
Building bridges: China invests in more than infrastructure
President Biden is hosting a U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit on Dec. 13-15. Professor Lina Benabdallah says it will be an opportunity for the U.S. to re-evaluate its position in the continent and re-energize its investments.
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WFU professor takes closer look at a growing block of NC voters: Latinos
As Tuesday’s midterm election nears, candidates are making their final push to appeal to voters. Mailboxes are full of campaign literature and it’s hard not to miss those ads on social media and other platforms.
Categories: Experts

Election 2024