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Harris-Perry (’94) lands MSNBC show

Melissa Harris-Perry Rising media star, Tulane political science professor and Wake Forest alumna Melissa Harris-Perry (’94) makes her debut with her own television show on MSNBC from 10 a.m.-noon on Feb. 4. It will air Saturdays and Sundays.

Categories: Alumni

Deacons accept bowl invitation

Flag on football field Wake Forest has accepted an invitation to play Mississippi State in the Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl in Nashville, Tenn. The game will be played on Friday, Dec. 30 at LP Field and will kickoff at 6:40 p.m. The game will be televised on ESPN.

Categories: Athletics

Kennedy optimistic about energy

Even with a struggling economy, high unemployment and thousands protesting American greed, environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is optimistic. In a Thursday speech in Wait Chapel, he said resources like wind and solar energy will drive this country to energy independence.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Going Google+

Google+ logo On Thursday, Google announced that the social networking tool Google+ has launched for colleges and universities who are using its Apps for Education tools. Wake Forest is among the first in the nation to bring the new app to campus.

Winston-Salem among 50 best cities

Winston-Salem skyline from campus The reputation of Winston-Salem - the home of Wake Forest - as an inviting place to live got another national boost by ranking No. 46 among the top large cities in America, according to

Categories: Awards & Recognition

Toyota turns to Wake Forest

Wake Forest School of Medicine Toyota Motor Corp. has tapped Wake Forest for a second time on a high-profile health-care research project. Toyota's safety-research center has selected WFU as one of six research institutions to play a role in developing, testing and implementing its vehicle safety innovations.
