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Prothero: Religious illiteracy an issue

Stephen Prothero During times when religion is both a highly taboo topic and the center of many world conflicts, Dr. Stephen Prothero’s speech about the perils of religious ignorance brought an overflow crowd to Wake Forest on Tuesday night.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Whitman: Solutions, not agendas

Christine Todd Whitman In an era teeming with political brinksmanship and hyper-partisan rhetoric, former New Jersey governor and EPA administrator Christine Todd Whitman told a crowd at Wake Forest that she believes she has the solution.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Climate change pioneer to speak

Bill McKibben Bill McKibben, whose groundbreaking 1989 book, "End of Nature," was the first to address global warming, will talk Tuesday at Reynolda Gardens and Wait Chapel. Wake Forest's new Center for Energy, Environment and Sustainability is sponsoring the visit.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Conference addresses ‘pay for play’

Alphonso Smith, former Wake Forest and current NFL player When it comes to inequities concerning race and college sports, you can talk about changing rules or paying players, but in the end, the most important reform is providing players – even the at-risk ones – with a useful education, according to experts convened at Wake Forest’s “Losing to Win” conference.
