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Wake Forest among top colleges in nation for character-building

Templeton Guide coverWake Forest University ranks high among national universities in character-building, according to the new edition of The Templeton Guide: Colleges that Encourage Character Development.

The guide, published in October by the John Templeton Foundation, names to its annual “Honor Roll” 100 colleges with a commitment to the overall development of conscience, character, citizenship and social responsibility among students. Wake Forest, one of only three North Carolina schools included on the list, is recognized for outstanding academic honesty, substance-abuse prevention programs and student leadership programs.

The guide also names Wake Forest President Thomas K. Hearn Jr. as one of the top 50 college presidents for demonstrating leadership and character.

The guide declares that, “President Hearn has established formidable leadership and citizenship through curriculum; conferences and leadership; community service; cultural study and work; and scholarships.”

According to the guide’s Web site, “The presidents profiled demonstrate a personal commitment to a wide variety of character-development activities and issues on their campuses. Although their priorities, strategies and approaches may differ, all of these college leaders have made it their priority to prepare students for lives of personal and civic responsibility.”

Recognized programs represent the best practices in the field of character development during the college years. The programs are chosen through a highly selective process that considers clarity of vision and statement of purpose; institutional resources; involvement of institutional leaders; impact on students, faculty, campus and community; integration into the core curriculum of academic study; longevity; external awards and recognition; and assessment.

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