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Economic benefits of grad schools

Two Wake Forest University graduate students, Kerry Danelson and Tanya Pinder, were among representatives from North Carolina’s graduate schools who gathered in Raleigh for the state’s first Graduate Education Day May 25.

Sponsored by the North Carolina Conference of Graduate Schools, the event was held to demonstrate for state legislators the importance of graduate education to the state’s economy.

Nineteen of 26 graduate schools in the state participated by presenting their research during poster sessions and meeting in small groups with legislators.

North Carolina Governor Bev Perdue issued a proclamation declaring May 22-28 Graduate Education Week and May 25 Graduate Education Day. The proclamation said, “Graduate education is vital to the scientific, cultural and economic needs of local, state and global communities and is critical to discovery and creativity.”

Lorna G. Moore, dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and president of the North Carolina Council of Graduate Schools, was instrumental in arranging the event.

“Everything from teacher education to engineering to political science — the whole gamut of fields — was represented,” Moore said. “Graduate programs provide clear economic benefits and societal benefits to North Carolina.”

Moore presented opening remarks at the afternoon session with state officials.

Danelson, who works with Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering Joel Stitzel, shared with legislators her research on brain injuries and playing football. Pinder, who works with Poteat Professor of Chemistry Mark Welker, presented her research on identifying a new prostate cancer drug.

Categories: Research & Discovery, University Announcements


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