WFU awards and recognitions briefs

The WFU Awards and Recognitions briefs celebrate milestones of faculty, staff and students at Wake Forest.
Wake Forest associate professor’s paper presented Best Diversity Paper Award
A paper written by Michael Gross, associate professor of engineering, and two Olin College of Engineering faculty members has been presented the 2018 Best Diversity Paper Award by the Education Research and Methods Division of the American Society of Engineering Education. The paper, “Gender, Motivation, and Pedagogy in the STEM Classroom: A Quantitative Characterization,” was published in the Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education 2018 Annual meeting.
WFU classical languages department chair named American Classical League president
The American Classical League announced Wake Forest classical languages department chair Mary Pendergraft as its new president. Pendergraft was recently installed as president at the end of this summer’s American Classical League Summer Institute at the University of Montana in Missoula. Pendergraft, who has taught Latin and Greek at Wake Forest since 1988, will serve a two-year term.
WFU School of Business associate professor honored for research contributions
Wake Forest School of Business Associate Professor Julie Holliday Wayne was named an “extraordinary contributor” to work and family research. At the 2018 Work-Family Researchers Network Conference in Washington, D.C., the organization recognized the top 60 scholars whose scholarship has made an impact on the field. In her research, Wayne studies how people’s work and personal lives intersect and how this affects their attitudes and behaviors at work as well as that of their spouses. She and her colleagues were among the first to study how work and family can benefit one another (work-family enrichment). Her research examines the meaning of work-life balance, considers factors that promote balance, and shows that employees having greater balance is good business for organizations.
Categories: Awards & Recognition, Research & Discovery, University Announcements
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