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Media Advisory: Pulitzer Center Awards Fellowship to Wake Forest Student

Yasmin Bendaas, an anthropology major with a double minor in journalism and Middle East and South Asia studies from Winston-Salem, N.C., will use video to help her research the facial tattoos of elderly women of the Chaouia, an indigenous group and tell their stories -- an interest sparked by three family visits to Algeria during her childhood.

Our family trees

Trees on Davis Field On April 20, the Arbor Day Foundation honored Wake Forest’s commitment to the care and preservation of its trees with a Tree Campus USA designation. To earn the honor, WFU achieved five core standards for sustainable campus forestry. Read more from Wake Forest Magazine.

Business ranks No. 1 again

Worrell Professional Center Bloomberg Businessweek ranked the undergraduate business program No. 1 in the nation for academic quality and among the top 20 programs overall for the fourth consecutive year. Wake Forest ranked No. 8 for the percent of students with internships (92 percent).
