Research Archive

New Study Looks at Adolescents After Divorce

December 31, 1996  |   Faculty, Media Advisory, Research

Divorce does not have to lead to unhappy lives for children, according to a recently published book by Wake Forest University psychology professor Christy Buchanan. In “Adolescents After Divorce,” Buchanan, along with Stanford University researchers Eleanor E. Maccoby and Sanford M. Dornbusch, studied 365 post-divorce […]

Biologist Finds Seabird Kills in Order to Thrive

December 6, 1996  |   Faculty, Media Advisory, National, Research

Taller than most seabirds, masked boobies live and breed in tropical oceans where they feed by making high-velocity dives. They also kill their own young. In a new study subjecting Darwinâs evolutionary theories to some of their most rigorous scientific tests to date, biologist David […]

Study explores effects of exercise on lung disease

June 13, 1996  |   Research, School of Medicine, Wake Forest College

Senior citizens with shortness of breath are walking and lifting weights at Wake Forest University as part of a research study on how exercise affects breathing problems. The study, Reconditioning Exercise And Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Trial (REACT), is a joint effort between the university’s […]

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