Q&A: Ukrainian refugee crisis

Professor Lischer in her office. More than 2.5 million refugees have fled Ukraine in the first two weeks of the Russian invasion. Professor of Politics Sarah Lischer, author of Dangerous Sanctuaries: Refugee Crises, Civil War and the Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid, studies the politics of refugee crises and humanitarian action. Lischer addresses the challenges facing the refugees, the importance of international support, and lessons from the past.

Categories: Experts

Are economic sanctions against Russia the answer?

Map of Ukraine Benjamin Coates, Wake Forest professor of history, is currently conducting research on the U.S. and economic sanctions since WWI. He explains how sanctions have been used in the past, how they are being used against Russia and the impact they are likely to have.

Categories: Experts

Will machines replace human workers?

Economists have long studied the question of whether machines might one day replace human workers, but the advent of new technologies makes it particularly important as we consider the future of work in the 21st century.

Categories: Experts

QR codes: Is it safe to scan?

Wake Forest computer science professor Sarra Alqahtani answers questions about QR codes, cybercrime and how to keep your personal information safe. 

Categories: Experts

Expert available: Supreme Court takes on federal water law case

water garden Stan Meiburg, former acting deputy administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and director of Wake Forest University’s graduate programs in sustainability, says the fact that the Supreme Court agreed to take the case – Sackett v. EPA – is significant. Meiburg addresses key questions about federal water law and what is at stake in NC and around the country.

Categories: Experts
