Research Archive

Arias Calls for U.S., Other Nations to Fight Poverty

September 17, 1998  |   Events, Research, Speakers

Oscar Arias Sanchez, Costa Rica’s former president, called for a worldwide effort to relieve rampant global poverty during an address at Wake Forest University on Sept. 17. “Global inequality is expanding at an insidious rate. If staggering levels of poverty are ignored, future inhabitants […]

Stories this week at Wake Forest

September 16, 1998  |   Arts & Culture, Events, Research, Speakers

Nobel Laureate to Speak at Opening Convocation Oscar Arias Sanchez, former president of Costa Rica and a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, will deliver the Opening Convocation address, “Diversity, Globalization, and Human Security: A Call to Responsibility,” at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 17, in Wait […]

Popular Math Expert Brings Soap Bubble Secrets to WFU

September 15, 1998  |   Community, Research, Speakers

Mere millionths of an inch thick, found in countless bathtubs and toy stores, soap bubbles nevertheless are more than just efficient enclosers of air says popular math columnist, TV show host and award-winning professor Frank Morgan. They teach us a lot about the math found […]

Stories this week at Wake Forest

September 10, 1998  |   Community, Events, Research

High Schoolers from 35 States to Debate Wake Forest’s debate team will host the National Earlybird Forensics Tournament Sept. 11-13. More than 160 high school debate and speech squads will arrive on Friday, Sept. 11, from 35 states to compete in the three-day season opener. […]

New ‘Exercising Woman’ Stereotype Has Surprise Benefits

June 24, 1998  |   Research, School of Medicine

Even overweight women are considered more attractive if they exercise, report researchers at Wake Forest University, who have found evidence of an “exercising woman” stereotype that may blunt some of the negative effects of America’s obsession with body shape and size. In the study, presented […]

Albatross in WFU Study Circles the Globe in 90 Days

May 30, 1998  |   Research

A Laysan albatross tracked by Wake Forest University biologists has flown more than 24,843 miles in flights across the North Pacific to find food for its chick in just 90 days — flights equivalent to circling the globe. “That’s quite a long way for take-out, […]

Polar Explorer to Speak at WFU

April 16, 1998  |   Events, Research, Speakers

Ann Bancroft, the first woman to travel across the ice to both the North and South Poles, will speak at Wake Forest University at 7 p.m. Monday, April 20, as part of National Science and Technology Week. Bancroft’s lecture, in Pugh Auditorium of the Benson […]

Stories this week at Wake Forest

March 26, 1998  |   Arts & Culture, Campus Life, Community, Events, Research

Do Looks Make a Difference on the Job? Employment expert and economist Daniel Hamermesh will present “The Economics of Beauty,” a look at how physical appearance can influence wages and other economic outcomes, on Monday, March 30. The free, public lecture sponsored by the Wake […]

Minerva’s Machine: Women and Computing

March 24, 1998  |   Events, Research, Speakers

Karen Frenkel, author, reporter and filmmaker, will show the award-winning documentary, “Minerva’s Machine,” at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, at Wake Forest University’s DeTamble Auditorium. “Minerva’s Machine” investigates why there are fewer women in computing than men and explores gender differences in response to technology. […]

Employment Expert to Discuss “Economics of Beauty”

March 23, 1998  |   Community, Events, Research, Speakers

Employment expert and economist Daniel Hamermesh will present the “The Economics of Beauty” at Wake Forest University on Monday, March 30. This free, public event sponsored by the Wake Forest economics department is scheduled from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Annenburg Forum, first […]

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