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Thomas visits School of Law

Marc Rigsby ('13) and Shay Miller ('13) pose with U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas visited the School of Law, meeting with students, faculty and alumni, visiting a class and lecturing on professional responsibility. He was interviewed by Marc Rigsby (JD ’12) in front of a 350-plus audience in the Worrell Professional Center.

Building bridges of faith

Eboo Patel, founder of the Interfaith Youth Core, emphasized the importance of bringing together people of all religious identities to form a bridge from religious intolerance and misunderstanding to a new reality focused on the common good.

Categories: Happening at Wake

Inspiring ideas at TEDxWakeForestU

TEDxWakeForestU speakers on stage For senior Mariama Holman, the creative director for TEDxWakeForestU, planning the visual design themes with her team required late nights, Skype and a sense of humor. But when all the planning came together Saturday, an audience of 1,400 walked away inspired and exhilarated.

WFU is third at Marketing Summit

Wake Forest team A team of undergraduate students from Wake Forest finished third in an international case competition at the 22nd Annual Marketing Summit presented by the Wake Forest University Schools of Business Center for Retail Innovation. A team from the University of Pennsylvania finished first, and a University of Chicago Booth School of Business team won the MBA division.
