Digital ants protect computer networks

As the nation's electrical power grid becomes more interconnected through the Internet, the chances of cyber attacks increase as well. Professor of Computer Science Errin Fulp is training an army of "digital ants" to turn loose into the power grid to seek out computer viruses.

Learning: No longer a textbook case

Switching from rigid, linear textbooks to technology such as iPads alone won’t boost student performance – so a team of researchers at Wake Forest has turned the classroom upside down, allowing students to tailor each course to their own learning style.

Using the creative arts to heal the mind

Role playing, writing or drawing what one is feeling can have significant therapeutic value. Counseling professor Samuel T. Gladding (’67, MAEd ’71) is one of the country’s leading authorities on how using the creative arts — music, dance, visual art, humor, drama and writing — can help people become more in tune with their emotions and feelings.
