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Do you speak Christian?

Bill Leonard Mention religion and some people become armchair preachers who pepper their conversations with popular Christian words and trendy theological phrases. Bill Leonard, professor of church history at the School of Divinity, discusses "speaking Christian" with CNN.

Accelerating computer networks

Typing on a computer Wake Forest University and Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center have joined 29 other universities in an initiative called Gig.U, the University Community Next Generation Innovation Project, which aims to accelerate the deployment of ultra-high-speed computer networks.

Obesity hits boomer generation

Jack Rejeski New research shows baby boomers are not getting enough exercise. Professor Jack Rejeski says it takes physical activity, not just dieting, to shed pounds, and that exercise is especially important as people start to age because dieting alone could cost them precious muscle in addition to fat. Read more in the San Francisco Chronicle.

The Washingtonians

Aubrey Vaughan WAKE Washington offers students a chance to live, learn and work in the nation's capital. The rigorous program offers students across every major a real-world taste of government, politics, think tanks and nonprofits, and a chance to hobnob with high-profile powerbrokers.
