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Learning: No longer a textbook case

Switching from rigid, linear textbooks to technology such as iPads alone won’t boost student performance – so a team of researchers at Wake Forest has turned the classroom upside down, allowing students to tailor each course to their own learning style.

Benefits of inflation

Sandeep Mazumder Rising food and gas prices make consumers worry about inflation, but Assistant Professor of Economics Sandeep Mazumder says they should be more concerned about deflation. He predicts little-to-no growth in the inflation rate for 2011-2013. [Video]

BioBook – eText evolved

Dan Johnson, senior lecturer in biology What started as an idea for an iPad application by professors A. Daniel Johnson and Jed Macosko evolved into a more accessible tool for the next generation of electronic textbooks called “BioBook.” The project will be funded by a Next Generation Learning Challenges grant.
