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Using the creative arts to heal the mind

Role playing, writing or drawing what one is feeling can have significant therapeutic value. Counseling professor Samuel T. Gladding (’67, MAEd ’71) is one of the country’s leading authorities on how using the creative arts — music, dance, visual art, humor, drama and writing — can help people become more in tune with their emotions and feelings.

Laughing and learning

On April Fools’ Day, Cindy Gendrich’s students may have an advantage when planning practical jokes. In the theater professor’s first-year seminar, “Why Do People Laugh?” they have serious discussions about what causes giggles and guffaws.

Finding the missing pieces

Missing pieces in the biodiversity puzzle make it impossible to accurately predict the effects of climate change on most plant species in the Amazon and other tropical areas, according to a new study by Associate Professor of Biology Miles Silman. The scarcity of data on many species raises new questions for conservation biologists.

Retired professor Paul Gross dies

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry Paul Gross, who taught from 1959 until 1987, died March 17. For nearly 20 years, Gross was the coordinator of the University’s interdisciplinary honors program.

Categories: Research & Discovery
