WFU puts students face-to-face with Malcolm Gladwell

Students from WFU and other area colleges enjoyed an hour with author Malcolm Gladwell as part of the University's Face to Face Speaker Forum.
Categories: University Announcements
Students from WFU and other area colleges enjoyed an hour with author Malcolm Gladwell as part of the University's Face to Face Speaker Forum.
Categories: University Announcements
Wake Forest University is accepting nominations for the newly established Maya Angelou Artist-in-Residence Award.
Categories: Arts & Culture, Community Impact
A Q&A with cultural anthropology professor Sherri Lawson Clark, whose research focuses on the point where housing and health and welfare policies meet.
Categories: Experts, Happening at Wake, Inclusive Excellence, Research & Discovery
Imagine if elementary school-age kids could learn how to code a computer, create a video game, or adjust the tone, contrast or color in a photo.
Categories: Happening at Wake
How are 18th century British explorer Captain Cook and 21st century blockchain connected? Find out at the IdeasCityWS Festival on Oct. 2 in downtown Winston-Salem.
Categories: Community Impact, Happening at Wake