Bamboo over Venice

Internationally known artists Doug and Mike Starn are constructing Big Bambú in the courtyard of Wake Forest's Casa Artom. The 50-foot tower spiraling above the Grand Canal is featured in The New York Times.

Categories: Global Wake Forest

Abroad in South America

study abroad in Chile Seven students are spending the 2011 spring semester studying abroad in Santiago, Chile, in the newly established Wake Forest Southern Cone Program. The Wake Forest faculty-led program includes home stays with host families, classes with Chilean students and travel in the region.

Libyan refugees

Sara Lischer In Libya, the strategy of military intervention could spark a humanitarian crisis, says Associate Professor of Political Science Sarah Lischer. Author of "Dangerous Sanctuaries: Refugee Crises, Civil War, and the Dilemmas of Humanitarian Aid," Lischer studies refugees, humanitarian aid, civil war and African politics.
