App helps conquer speech disability

Victor Pauca To help his son, Victor, and others with disabilities, professor Paul Pauca and some of his students created an application for the iPhone and iPad that turns their touch screens into communications tools.

Categories: Research & Discovery

Video games and realism

More than 60 percent of parents say video games have no effect on their children. Not true, says Marina Krcmar, associate professor of communication. As games get more and more realistic, research shows the positive and negative effects on children increase.

Removing the ho, ho, hum

John Llewellyn, associate professor of communication at Wake Forest, came up with the YULE rule for writing a well-crafted, year-in-review letter. He says these four simple steps will help you compose a holiday letter that loved ones will actually enjoy reading.

Understanding church and state

Melissa Rogers Melissa Rogers, who serves on President Barack Obama's national advisory council for Faith Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, explores collaborations between government entities and non-profits. Rogers is the director of the Center for Religion and Public Affairs at the School of Divinity.
