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Designing a better crystal ball

Eric Stone If intelligence agencies could have accurately predicted the events of 9/11, imagine how world history would have changed. Eric Stone, an associate professor of psychology, is working on a crowdsourcing project to find ways to help experts make more accurate predictions. Read media coverage of the project and find out how you can participate.

Crystals detect security threats

Richard Williams in his lab Using a crystal ball to protect homeland security might seem far-fetched, but researchers at Wake Forest University and Fisk University have partnered to develop crystals that can be used to detect nuclear threats, radioactive material or chemical bombs more accurately and affordably.

Do you speak Christian?

Bill Leonard Mention religion and some people become armchair preachers who pepper their conversations with popular Christian words and trendy theological phrases. Bill Leonard, professor of church history at the School of Divinity, discusses "speaking Christian" with CNN.
