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Teens behaving badly?

Professor of Psychology Christy Buchanan, who studies adolescent development and behavior, says if parents expect their teenagers to misbehave, they could be contributing to a self-fulfilling prophecy. Drinking. Drugs. Caving into peer pressure. When parents expect their teenagers to conform to negative stereotypes, those teens are more likely to do so, according to new research by professor Christy Buchanan.

Managing a scandal, Letterman style

The David Letterman scandal blew over quickly, writes Professor of Marketing Michelle Roehm, because he announced his indiscretions on his own terms and used his medium – television – and his “core business” – humor – to control the message.

The benefits of Wal-Mart

Robert Whaples: Economists generally agree that Wal-Mart has a more positive than negative economic impact. Three out of four American economists are fans of Wal-Mart, believing that the retail giant generates more benefits to society than costs, according to a survey conducted by Professor of Economics Robert Whaples.

Grobe leaves emotions on the sidelines

Watching Jim Grobe on the sidelines, it’s hard to tell whether Wake Forest is winning or losing, but the Deacons head football coach says it’s his job to stay focused and not let himself get too high or too low during a game.
