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Expert Available: Protests in Chile

Wake Forest political science professor Peter Siavelis poses in his office in Kirby Hall on Wednesday, April 10, 2019. Wake Forest Professor of Politics and International Affairs Peter Siavelis is available to comment on the protests in Chile related to inequality, wages, education and healthcare. Much of Chile is under a state of emergency as the country faces the worst unrest yet in since the end of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship.

WFU Expert: Avoiding another Iraq in Iran

C. William Walldorf Jr. How do we prevent Iran from becoming another Iraq? Engage in a robust national conversation about past mistakes, said C. William Walldorf Jr., associate professor of politics and international affairs at Wake Forest University and a U.S. foreign policy expert.

Expert: Why do entrepreneurs fail? They choose the wrong idea.

Lightbulb graphic The importance of having a sound business idea for a startup is essential, but identifying the ideas most likely to go from concept to venture is challenging. Statistics show that about 34% of startups fail within the first two years and 56% within the first four years. Most failures are due, in part, to the pursuit of ideas that are poorly selected and/or tested.
